Jackson-Empower FFA
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Premier Leadership
Personal Growth
Career Success through Agriculture Education

Course Description

The course Introduces scientific principles applied to the animal industry; covers reproduction, genetics, nutrition, technology, processing, and distribution of agricultural animal products. Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences and FFA leadership programs and activities. Course requirements include an approved SAE progam.
Units to be covered:
SAE development and record keeping
Scientific processes / methods
Meat Science
Dairy Science
Beef Cattle Science
Swine Science
Equine Science
Agricultural Animal Reproduction
Animal Management
Parasites & Control
Environmental concerns of animal production
Animal welfare
Science of Animal Behavior
Selection of Animals
Animal Growth and Dev.
Poultry Science
Animal Diseases
FFA and Class Activities
Meats Judging
Livestock Judging
Horse Judging
Poultry Evaluation
Agriscience Fair Project
Showing Pigs
Showing Goats
Showing Cattle
Ag Day Events
Live Nativity Scene
Petting Zoo