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What is this Calss About?

This course is designed as the foundational course for all Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Pathways. The course introduces the major areas of scientific agricultural production and

research; presents problem solving lessons and introductory skills and knowledge in agricultural

science and agri-related technologies. It can help prepare you for over 300 careers in the field of agriculture.  Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through (SAE) supervised agricultural experiences and leadership activities through the FFA. 

Agriculture concepts along with leadership and career skills are taught through hands-on activities in plant science, greenhouse and horticulture labs.  Animal science concepts are leared by exhibiting swine, goats, cattle and through FFA Career Development Events. Mechanical skills learned include woodworking, lawnmower operations, and small engines.  Stuents also get to traveling to area, state, and national FFA events including Macon, Georgia and Indianapolis, Indiana.

How Do We Do this?

What do we do?

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As an FFA member you can participate in over 24 Career Development Events like Wildlife ID, Enviromenal Natural Resources, Horse Judging, Meats Judging, Tractor Driving, Electrical Wiring, Welding, Public Speaking, Agriscience Fair, Creed CDE, Floriculture, Floral Design, showing pigs, goats, & cattle at local fairs.  Ask your instructor for a full list of CDE's to compete in.  Community service projects include Jackson EMC BBQ, plant sale, christmas caroling at the nursing home, community garden restoration projects, mobile food truck campaign, pop-tab collection for Ronald McDonald House and "bread baskets" for the homeless.  Click here for a leadership opportunities.                   Class requirements include an approved SAE project and 300 leadership points.

Plant Science
Animal Science
Ag Mechanics

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